
NHS Borders (MRI Department)

MRI Department
Borders General Hospital
Huntlyburn Terrace


Contact Us:

MRI Department
Borders General Hospital

Telephone: 01896 826432

Please contact the department if you have any assistance needs.

Please contact tel:01896 826442 for a copy of this information in:

  • another language
  • Braille
  • large print 

"Information given on this site is not meant to take the place of a talk with your doctor or health worker."

How does MRI scanning work?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) combines a powerful magnet with a sophisticated computer. It produces pictures of the body without the need for x-rays.

The detail seen in these pictures is so good that the scanner can pick up structures as small as two millimetres. This helps find disease and injury early on. This then allows treatment to start sooner

MRI safety

You will have to fill out a safety questionnaire before your scan, as MRI is not safe for some people. You cannot be scanned at BGH if you have any of the following:

  • Cardiac pacemaker
  • Cochlear implant
  • Metal aneurysm clip in the brain
  • Metallic fragments in the eye
  • Certain types of bio-mechanical implant

You may also not be able to have an MRI scan -

  • during early pregnancy, or
  • if you have a hydrocephalus shunt

In-scan entertainment

For some scans you may be able to watch a suitable DVD or listen to a CD if you would like to make use of this facility please bring a DVD or CD with you.

Do I need to prepare?

No, unless you have been told otherwise. You may eat and drink as normal and take your prescribed medicines.

You will be asked to change into hospital scrubs or a gown.

We may ask you to remove:

  • dentures
  • jewellery (including any piercings) - you may keep your wedding ring on
  • hearing aids
  • hairpins
  • eye make-up
  • drug patches (for example nicotine patches)
  • hair extensions with metallic fixings

all piercings MUST be removed before you arrive at the department. You will not be allowed a scan with piercing in situ


If possible, please leave all your valuables at home. We will give you a locker but we cannot accept responsibility for anything that is lost.

Language difficulties

If your spoken English is not very good, we can arrange an interpreter for you.


If there is a chance that you may be pregnant, please call our receptionist before your appointment date. ( tel:01896 826432)

When you arrive for your scan

Please report to the receptionist in the CT and MRI Scanning Suite at the time given on the front of this leaflet.

A member of staff will:

  • explain the procedure
  • ask you to change into hospital clothing.
  • show you to the waiting area
  • check your screening checklist with you again before you are scanned

You may wish to bring something to read while you wait for your scan

During your scan

The radiographer will position you on the scanner table. The table is moved into the scanner, which is open at both ends.

You will feel no discomfort, but during the scan you may hear some buzzing or tapping noises. These are harmless.

The radiographer operating the scanner will be able to see and hear you during the scan. If you have any concerns, you just have to say.

The scan may take between 20 to 60 minutes. You may be asked to hold your breath for a few seconds to make sure of sharper images of your upper body.

While you are being scanned we may give you an injection. This will be to improve part of the scan, or to show the blood vessels. The injection will be given into a vein in your arm or hand. It should not have any adverse effect.

After your scan

The images will be checked to make sure we have all the information we need. You will then be able to go home.

We store your scans for future reference.

The results

Your results will be sent to the referrer who asked for this test. We will give you a letter explaining this when you come for your appointment.

Our service to you

We want to make your visit to the Borders General Hospital CT and MRI Scanning Suite as pleasant as possible. We try to provide the best service for you.

If you have any questions not covered by this guide, please telephone our receptionist on tel:01896 826 432.

How to get to the CT and MRI Unit


There is free parking at the hospital. Please allow plenty of time to find a parking space, as the car park is usually very busy.

Disabled parking

There is disabled parking close to the main building, in Car Park 2.


Inside the hospital

The CT/MRI Scanning Suite is on the ground floor.

  • From the main entrance, walk straight ahead
  • Take the second turn on the left
  • Pass the X-ray Department on your right
  • Go through the double doors - the CT/ MRI Scanning Suite is on your right

Further information http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/27000352/ 

Editorial Information

Next review date: 31/07/2026

Author(s): Gee K.

Author email(s): karen.gee@borders.scot.nhs.uk.

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality

Reviewer name(s): Gee K.