
NHS Borders (MRI Department)

MRI Department

Borders General Hospital

Huntlyburn Terrace Melrose


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telephone: 01896 826442

"Information given on this site is not meant to take the place of a talk with your doctor or health worker."

What is MR Small Bowel?

It is a test carried out to examine the small bowel, also known as the small intestine. It is often used to assess bowel symptoms such as abdominal pain or diarrhoea.

How should I prepare?

  • no food for 6 hours before your appointment time
  • n fluid for 1 hour before your appointment time
  • please note you will be in the department for 2 hours
  • remove all piercings before attending MRI. You will not be allowed a scan with piercings in situ.

When you arrive for your appointment

We will give you a drink (lactulose) to outline the small bowel. then you will be asked to drink a litre of water over an hour before your scan.

  • you will be asked about all of the questions on the MR safety questionnaire
  • you will be asked to remove all metal objects - see main MR information sheet
  • a small tube will be put in a vein to allow medicine to be given if needed

The small bowel normally contracts to push food along its length. We may want to give you medicine to slow this process down for a short time. We may also want to give you a medicine that will outline the structures in your abdomen during the scan. The radiographer will explain this to you if this is needed.

You will be in the department for around 2 hours.

After the examination

We will give you a letter telling you when you will be able to get your results.

The drink that was given to outline the bowel is a mild laxative. You will find that you have several urgent bowel movements for a few hours after the test.

If you had the medicine that slows the movement of the bowel, you may have blurred vision for about 20 minutes. You must not drive until your vision is back to normal.

If this leaflet or the main MR leaflet does not answer all your questions or worries about MR, please call tel:01896 826432. The secretary will take a message and arrange for someone to call you to discuss your concern.

Associated Leaflets:   MRI scanning

Editorial Information

Next review date: 31/07/2026

Author(s): Gee K.

Author email(s): karen.gee@borders.scot.nhs.uk.

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality

Reviewer name(s): Gee K.