
NHS Borders 

"Information given on this site is not meant to take the place of a talk with your doctor or health worker."

What Is a CT Scan

CT (computed tomography) is a method of getting high quality x-ray pictures of the human body. These are
then processed by a powerful computer.

The CT scanner is used to take pictures of slices of your body and can show both bone and soft tissue. This
helps to diagnose any health problems at an early stage. Your doctor can then decide on the best treatment for you.

The scan takes between 5 and 30 minutes, depending on which part of the body is to be examined.

How does CT scanning work?

Normal x-rays are taken from one direction only to show bone and soft tissue superimposed. This makes some conditions hard to see.

CT scanning uses x-rays and special detectors to circle the body and take views from all angles. This builds
up a picture of every type of tissue in detailed slices. These images viewed on a TV monitor help the radiologist to reach the correct diagnosis.

How do I prepare for my scan?


Please continue to take any prescribed medicine.


If we are to examine your abdomen or pelvis, please wear clothes with as little metal as possible. For example a soft tracksuit without zips. Or, we can provide a gown. We have changing cubicles, with facilities for disabled people.


If possible please leave all your valuables at home. We will give you a locker, but we cannot accept
responsibility for anything that is lost.

Language difficulties

If your spoken English is not very good, we advise you to bring a friend with you who can help interpret for you.

If you need to book an interpreter please phone:01896 826432 as soon as you get your appointment.


Ladies, if there is a chance that you may be pregnant, please phone our receptionist before your appointment date. phone:01896 826432

When you arrive for your scan

Please report to the receptionist in the CT Scanning Suite at the time given on the front of this letter. A
radiographer will:

  • explain the procedure
  • allow you time to change if you need to, and
  • show you to the waiting area

You may wish to bring something to read while you wait for your scan.

During your scan

You may need an injection during your scan. We will put a plastic tube into a vein in your arm.

The radiographer will position you on the scanner table. The table slides into the scanner, which is open at both ends and looks like a giant doughnut.

The radiographer will be able to see and hear you from the control room. He or she can talk with you through an intercom system.

It is very important that you keep very still and relax during your scan. You will not feel anything, but will hear the noise of the scanner as it moves around you.

If we are scanning your chest or abdomen, we may ask you to place your arms above your head to get a better picture. You may also be asked to hold your breath for a few seconds to ensure sharper images of your upper body.

After your scan

The images will be checked to make sure we have all the information we need. We will ask you to stay for 10 minutes after your scan before we take out the plastic tube.

You will then be able to go home.

We store your scans for future reference.

The results

Your results will be sent to your doctor or to the consultant who asked for the CT scan. You will be sent a follow-up appointment to discuss your results with them. Do not contact the CT Scanning Suite.

Our service to you

We want to make your visit to the Borders General Hospital CT and MRI Scanning Suite as pleasant as possible.

If you have any questions not covered by this guide please telephone our receptionist on  tel:01896 826 432. We will always make every effort to provide the best service for you.

How to get to the CT Unit


There is free parking at the hospital. Please allow plenty of time to find a parking space.

Disabled parking

There is disabled parking close to the main building, in Car Park 2.

Inside the hospital

  • The CT Scanning Suite is on the ground floor.
  • From the main entrance, walk straight ahead
  • Take the second turn on the left
  • Pass the X-ray Department on your right
  • Go through the double doors - the CT/ MRI Scanning Suite is on your right

Further information http://www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk/articles/article.aspx?articleId=554?ionId=1 

Editorial Information

Next review date: 31/05/2025

Author(s): Wilson L.

Author email(s): lesley.wilson2@borders.scot.nhs.uk.

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality

Reviewer name(s): Wilson L.