NHS Borders - Comments and complaints about the service you receive


NHS Borders

Our Staff are firmly committed to providing the best possible treatment and care for you.  We are keen to improve what we do by listening to what you and your relatives tell us.  We therefore welcome your comments on what you think we did well and where we could do better.

Please speak to a member of service you are currently being seen by if you would like to provide feedback. 

Alternatively, you can contact:

NHS Borders Patient Experience Team
Clinical Governance & Quality
Borders General Hospital


Telephone: 01896 826719
Email:  patient.experience@borders.scot.nhs.uk


Scottish Borders Advocacy is an organisation that enables vulnerable people to have a voice and provide independent advocacy. Here you can obtain information regarding legal and financial matters and in particular advice on the “Mental Health Act Scotland 2003” and the “Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000”.  For further information, you can contact:

Borders Independent Advocacy Service
Low Buckholmside

Telephone: 01896 752200

Email: info@bordersadvocacy.org.uk

Mental Welfare Commission

This organisation is interested in all matters concerning patient welfare, for example if you are detained under the Mental Health Act.  For further information, telephone the advice line on 0800 389 6809 or alternatively visit https://www.mwcscot.org.uk .


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 14/01/2024

Next review date: 14/01/2027

Author(s): Laing D.

Author email(s): diane.laing@nhs.scot.

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality