After your surgery it can take a few days for the bowel to start working again and return to normal function. The area can be sensitive and as you may not have eaten for a while smaller meals may be easier to digest. You can gradually begin to reintroduce foods as you feel comfortable. Good nutrition is extremely important for your recovery and this booklet will help guide you towards returning to a healthy balanced diet following your operation. Your surgeon will advise you on when to progress to each stage.
- Eat little and often. Smaller meals with additional snacks may be easier to manage
- Eat slowly and chew your food well
- Drink plenty of fluids but avoid drinking too close to meals and sip only during meals/when eating
- Avoid spicy and fried foods initially
Stage 1
For the first day after your surgery it is recommended that you choose liquids and smooth puddings only as your body is still adapting to digestion. If you can tolerate milk this is a good source of protein and energy.
Stage 2
Stage 2 involves progressing towards more solid foods. You should aim to take small portions of soft, low fibre foods as they can be easily digested. Fibre containing foods are normally recommended as part of a healthy balanced diet. However, for the first week or two after bowel surgery a low fibre diet may be better tolerated.
If you are managing to eat these foods with no signs of vomiting, stomach bloating or discomfort you may choose to introduce more foods and increase portion sizes as you feel comfortable.
Stage 3
During stage 3 you will begin to return to your normal diet. Once you are tolerating stage 3 for a few days, you can slowly start to introduce more fruit, vegetables, wholegrain bread and higher fibre cereals such as porridge, and wheat biscuits.
Wait two weeks of tolerating stage 3 before introducing lentils, pulses, split peas, beans or barley into your diet, unless you have been advised to avoid these foods completely.
During the early stages after you surgery your Doctor or dietitian may recommend a ‘supplement drink’. This is a nourishing drink to provide you with additional nutrition following your procedure. Your dietitian will advise you if these are necessary and how long you should take these for.
If you have had recent weight loss or reduced dietary intake prior to surgery you should ask to speak to a dietitian.
This diet is intended for short term use only – if you are struggling to progress through the stages or have not returned to normal diet after ~1 month please seek further advice from your Doctor or dietitian.