Physiotherapy service for mental health in-patients


NHS Borders

How to contact a Physiotherapist working for the mental health services
Our contact details are:

Physiotherapy Office
Borders General Hospital
Telephone 01896 827253 (answer-phone) - please leave a message including your name and contact
telephone number if you need to speak with staff.

There is no mental health physiotherapy service at weekends

If you are not receiving treatment through the NHS Borders mental health services, you can access self
management advice via NHS inform which includes self help guides for mental health and physical health issues. It also has up to date information about COVID19.

If you are NHS Borders staff and looking for personal Physiotherapy assessment- you can refer yourself for
Physiotherapy through the Work and Wellbeing service. The information is available on the staff intranet.

"Information given on this site is not meant to take the place of a talk with your doctor or health worker."


Our Aims

We aim to promote physical health, independence and general well-being of Adults who are receiving support and treatment through NHS Borders Mental Health Services.

Who we work with

We work with patients, linking with families and support staff, with the patient's consent, when it is appropriate.

Who is in the team?

We have 1 full time Physiotherapist and 1 part time Physiotherapist and a Physiotherapy Assistant Practitioner

What we provide

We provide a service to Patients within East Brig ward, Huntlyburn, Lindean and Borders Specialist Dementia Unit. We also see a small number of patients in other community settings. In community settings we may deliver some of our advice by telephone or by Video appointment ( Near Me) or
where it is appropriate we may see you directly. In the community you may be asked to attend a health centre or other location to be seen for your Physiotherapy appointment.

We do a Holistic assessment followed by individual advice, education or interventions. This might include one of the following:

  • Advice and exercise programmes relating to falls prevention
  • Exercise programmes for wellbeing; and advice on physical activities based on individual strengths and interests
  • Specific Physiotherapy treatment techniques including breathing exercises and relaxation
  • Group-work, including Adapted Tai Chi or falls prevention classes
  • Mobility Equipment assessment and prescription
  • Moving and handling advice
  • Seating/Wheelchair assessment/Postural management advice
  • Joint work with other health and social care staff where appropriate eg Orthotics referral/ Joint work with Social Work Occupational Therapist/ Home care staff
  • Advice and information for carers / family and support staff.
  • Signposting to community exercise opportunities that may help both your mental and physical health- self management advice

What else can we do to help?

Encourage people to adopt a healthy balanced lifestyle through engagement in meaningful activities. This can boost self esteem and confidence.

How can you access an assessment from the mental health physiotherapy team?

We encourage in-patient self referrals and referrals from staff/ family involved in a person's support - for self referral you will be required to fill in a referral form. If you have specific access requirements, communication needs or modifications to appointments such as an Interpreter or someone to attend with you for your support- please let us know what would be helpful.

Editorial Information

Next review date: 31/07/2026

Author(s): Masterson K.

Author email(s):

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality

Reviewer name(s): Masterson K.