Your emotional wellbeing has a big impact on how confident you feel about managing your risk of diabetes.
The stresses of self-management, lack of social support, the reaction to a diagnosis and the threat of complications can all impact on your emotional and mental health. People with diabetes and at risk from diabetes are more likely than others to experience anxiety or depression.
This 2 minute video from Diabetes UK tells you more about the links between emotional wellbeing and managing your risk of diabetes.
The resources below can help you to deal with stress and to build your mental and emotional wellbeing.
Could you be experiencing anxiety or depression?
The following questionnaires can help you to assess whether you are at risk of anxiety or depression. You can save your answers to discuss with your healthcare professional to discuss whether you need support and what kind of support will work best for you.
You can take steps to improve your mental and emotional wellbeing by:
Setting realistic goals
Using information and learning resources that will help you to understand and manage your mental and emotional health.
Watch this video from Diabetes UK to hear Zena's personal story about how she learned to manage her emotional wellbeing in diabetes.
Setting emotional wellbeing goals
Emotional goal setting is a very personal process. So be sure to take the time to think your goals through before you start pursuing them.Choose goals that are important to you and aligned with your values. This will help you stay motivated to make your mental health and emotional wellness a priority!
Think about your risk factors and the results of your anxiety and depression questionnaires before setting your emotional wellbeing goals. Some examples of emotional wellbeing goals might be:
Take care of and be kind to your body.
Make time for mindfulness.
Find new ways to manage stress, anxiety or depression.
Seek support (from friends and family or by starting therapy if recommended by your healthcare professional)
Silvercloud is a website with courses to improve your mental wellbeing. You can sign up for free using your email address.
Daylight is a digital programme to help improve symptoms of anxiety, and can be accessed through an app on IOS and Android. It is free to access via the NHS in some postcode areas, and requires your email address and the first half of your postcode to sign up.