What is actionable knowledge?
Actionable knowledge involves processing and packaging knowledge into decision-ready formats that can be acted upon to solve problems. In the health and social care context this often means decision-ready tools that support decisions about patient care and improving services.
Examples might include mobile apps, clinical guidelines presented as visual pathways, shared decision aids, prompts and reminders in electronic care record systems, risk scoring tools and calculators, evidence summaries with action-focused recommendations, infographics.
‘Actionable knowledge is not only relevant to the world of practice, it is the knowledge that people use to create that world.' (Argyris, 1993).
ARGYRIS, C., 1993, Knowledge for Action: A Guide to overcoming barriers to organizational change. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass Inc.
How do I provide evidence of competency in this area?
Can you...
- explain what is meant by actionable knowledge?
- describe examples of actionable knowledge?
- understand why actionable knowledge is important to decision support and can be regarded as a type of decision support?
Blooms level 2: Understand
DDAT Framework roles: Relevant to Data analyst, Data scientist, Data engineer, Business analyst, Product manager.