Managing toolkits under development
This Standard Operating Procedure aims to ensure that toolkits under development:
- Are hidden from general view as far as possible, to reduce confusion and frustration among RDS users wanting to access fully live toolkits.
- Are readily distinguished from substantive live toolkits.
- Are kept secure with access limited only to eligible users until they are ready to go live.
Toolkits under development should display the statement "(in development)" following the toolkit title. This may be shortened to "(in devt)" if it makes the title too long for a tile.
As far as possible, toolkits under development should not be available via the Right Decisions search and browse functionality. Use the Page Settings option to hide the toolkit from web and mobile app, and use "Save and preview" to view the content until it is ready to go live.
If it is necessary to make the toolkit available via the Right Decisions platform - e.g. for testing purposes - then please ensure that:
- The "(in development)" statement is attached to the title of the toolkit.
- The time the toolkit is live is kept to a minimum.
- The toolkit is password-protected and password protection is cascaded to all pages, including "Hide from search" in web and app - unless you are testing search functionality.
- The toolkit tile includes an icon, so that it does not look unfinished when it appears in the Right Decisions toolkit lists.