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Referral Form

  • If you wish to make a referral please fill in the  Referral Form or send a referral letter to the contact information below.
  • Referrals should be made by your movement disorder specialist.  
  • If you need to discuss a referral please contact the DBS team below.
  • If you want a print version of the Referral Form to send by email/post/file please fill-in, print and send to the contact information on the form or below.

Contact Information

Margaret Reynolds

Deep Brain Stimulation Administrator

Institute of Neurological Sciences

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital

1345 Govan Road Glasgow

G51 4TF

Phone number for DBS administrator Telephone: 01412327512

Email address for DBS administrator  Email:

Editorial Information

Author(s): Dr Vicky Marshall.

Approved By: NHS Scotland Deep Brain Stimulation Team