Key points from the evidence
- It is estimated that 2.6% of the Scottish population, which is around 143,000 people, have AF. Many people remain undiagnosed and up to 40% of people with AF are asymptomatic.
- The single-lead KardiaMobile® device has two electrodes on the top surface. When a person wants to record their ECG (for example, when they experience symptoms) they place two fingers from each hand on one of the electrodes. KardiaMobile® works with a compatible smart mobile device to run the KardiaMobile® app. The ECG recording is sent wirelessly to the mobile device, where it can be viewed on the app. After the ECG trace is closed by the user, and when the device has a Wi-Fi or mobile connection, the recording synchronises with a secure cloud server. The ECG trace can be forwarded to a healthcare professional.
- Clinical evidence shows that significantly more people have AF detected using the KardiaMobile® single-lead device compared with standard care. The definition of standard care varies in the literature, and includes 24-hour Holter monitoring. The evidence base for KardiaMobile® is strongest in people with undiagnosed palpitations and people with a history of AF who need to monitor for AF recurrence.
- Cost calculations demonstrate that, compared with Holter monitoring, KardiaMobile® has the potential to be cost saving over 2 years in people presenting with symptoms such as palpitations. Cost savings were driven by earlier diagnoses, which reduced follow-up assessments and adverse events costs.
- When used for monitoring for the recurrence of AF in a population at a low risk of having a stroke, KardiaMobile® was estimated to be associated with an additional cost over 10 years compared with Holter monitors.
- Most people find KardiaMobile® easy to use, but use relies on having access to a smartphone or device. There are barriers to use for some people, including those who cannot remain still for 30 seconds, those who do not have access to Wi-Fi, or those who have little/no experience of using smartphones or similar technologies.
- There are several different technologies for ambulatory ECG monitoring available in NHSScotland. These often have to be fitted by a trained healthcare professional and worn continuously by a user for a limited period of time. KardiaMobile® does not need to be fitted and can be posted out to patients. KardiaMobile® has the potential to reduce use of ambulatory monitors and associated hospital appointments.