3. The RxPONDER randomised controlled trial (RCT) was published after the NICE guidance. The RxPONDER trial evaluated the use of Oncotype DX® in predicting the benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy in women with lymph node positive (LN+) disease. In addition, updated results (median follow up of 8.7 years) of an RCT, which evaluated the clinical utility of MammaPrint® in women with early-stage breast cancer (the MINDACT trial) were published after the NICE guidance.
4. The collective evidence suggests that all four tumour profiling tests provide prognostic
information on a patient’s future risk of cancer recurrence and/or survival. The tests add prognostic value over other prognostic clinical and pathological information available to clinicians and patients. The evidence is weaker and more variable in patients with LN+ disease, compared with those who have LN- disease.
5. Predictive ability relates to the ability of the tests to identify those patients who are most likely to benefit from chemotherapy. Three of the tests are indicated for predictive use (Oncotype DX®, MammaPrint® and EndoPredict®), but there is considerable uncertainty within the evidence that the tests are predictive of improved outcomes with chemotherapy.