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Who is this app for?

This app is for people who have had COVID-19 (with or without a positive COVID-19 test) and have symptoms that last more than four weeks, including:

  • adults
  • young people
  • children.

It may also be helpful for:

  • parents of children who have had COVID-19
  • other family members, partners, friends and carers.


What is this app about?

This app is based on a patient information booklet which explains the recommendations in a guideline produced by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) on managing the long-term effects of COVID-19..

The app explains:

  • common symptoms of long COVID
  • how you would be assessed if you have new or ongoing symptoms after having COVID-19
  • tests that may be part of your assessment
  • how your care will be planned and who will be involved in your care
  • what can help
  • where you can find more information about your recovery
  • how you will be followed up.

Long COVID is a new illness that healthcare professionals are still learning about. Most of the recommendations are based on the experience and expert knowledge of healthcare professionals. Research is taking place and the guidance may change when its results are known.

NICE, RCGP and SIGN are developing the guideline using a ‘living’ approach, which means that the guideline will be reviewed and updated when new research comes out. The patient information booklet and this app will be updated at the same time.


This app has been developed by the SIGN (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network) team within Healthcare Improvement Scotland, in collaboration with the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI). 

Special thanks are due to the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Knowledge Services team, who provided knowledge management support in creating the app structure and adding the content.

SIGN and DHI would also like to thank the people with lived experience of long COVID who advised on the design and content of this app.



We (Healthcare Improvement Scotland) hope that the information in this app/website will be useful to you, but we accept no responsibility and offer no warranties for the content or your use of it, as far as the law allows us to exclude such liability. 

Clinical knowledge is constantly changing. As new information becomes available, changes in treatment, procedures, equipment and the use of drugs become necessary. The developers and contributors have taken care to ensure that the information given is correct and current. However, users of this resource are strongly advised to confirm that the information complies with the latest legislation and standards of practice. 

All use of this resource is subject to Scots law and the jurisdiction of the Scottish courts and is subject to this disclaimer. Any views given on the site are not necessarily those of Healthcare Improvement Scotland or anyone connected with us. 

Healthcare Improvement Scotland is not responsible for the content of external websites which link to or are linked to by this application. This is because: 

  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland does not produce or maintain them 
  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland cannot change them, and 
  • they can be changed without Healthcare Improvement Scotland knowledge or permission.

Some external links may be to websites that also offer commercial services. If a link to a particular website is included on our site, it does not mean that Healthcare Improvement Scotland officially endorses that website, its owners, products or services. 


Copyright of the content within this app is retained by SIGN. Users may download or print copies from the app or from the original patient information booklet for their own use.  

The review is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence. This allows for the copy and redistribution of SIGN content  as long as SIGN is fully acknowledged and given credit. The material must not be remixed, transformed or built upon in any way. View a copy of this licencehere.   


We try to make our app easy to use and accessible by including:

  • alternative text
  • subtitles for media content (where appropriate)
  • easier-to-read colours

We also use plain English in website text to make information as easy as possible to understand.

AbilityNet has more advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.

The app complies with the W3CAA standards for accessibility. The one exception is the known issue that screenreaders may have difficulty reading the PDF reports generated by the "Share" function.

Privacy statement

Privacy Statement

The downloadable mobile app collects information that you enter into the Symptom Diary about  your symptoms and wellbeing.

The information is stored on your mobile device. It is recommended that you:

  1. Apply appropriate security measures to your device – e.g. password protection.
  2. Use anti-virus software on your device to prevent corruption of data or software.

Please be aware that if you delete the SIGN Long COVID app or reinstall a new copy over the existing one, your saved data will be deleted.  You may wish to use the “Share” functionality to generate a PDF report of your data,  and save it on your own device.

If you choose to use the “Share” option to email another person a PDF report  from your diary plus your name and date of birth, the message is sent with secure encryption using a system called Sendgrid.

If you have any enquiries about privacy of your information please contact .