❶ Call for help. Note the time. Stop or do not start non-essential surgery.
❷ Call for cardiac arrest trolley, anaphylaxis treatment pack and investigation pack.
❸ Remove all potential causative agents and maintain anaesthesia.
- Important culprits: antibiotics, neuromuscular blocking agents, patent blue.
- Consider chlorhexidine as cause (impregnated catheters, lubricants, cleansing agents).
- Consider i.v. colloids as a possible cause.
- Change to inhalational anaesthetic agent (if not already).
❹ Give 100% oxygen and ensure adequate ventilation:
- Maintain the airway and, if necessary, secure it with tracheal tube.
❺ Elevate patient’s legs if there is hypotension.
❻ If systolic blood pressure < 50 mmHg or cardiac arrest, start CPR immediately.
❼ Give drugs to treat hypotension (Box A):
- Hypotension may be resistant and may require prolonged treatment.
- Give adrenaline bolus and repeat as necessary.
- Consider starting an adrenaline infusion after three boluses.
- If hypotension resistant, give alternate vasopressor (e.g. metaraminol, noradrenaline infusion +/- vasopressin)
- Give glucagon in ß-blocked patient unresponsive to adrenaline.
❽ Give rapid i.v. crystalloid: 20 initial bolus, repeated until hypotension resolved.
❾ Give hydrocortisone as part of resuscitation (Box B).
❿ If bronchospasm is persistent, consider → 3-4
⓫ Take 5-10 ml clotted blood sample for serum tryptase as soon as patient is stable.
- Plan for repeat sample at 1-2 hours and >24 hours.
⓬ Give chlorphenamine when feasible (Box B).
⓭ Plan transfer of the patient to an appropriate critical care area. Note tasks in Box D.
⓮ Prevent re-administration of possible trigger agents (allergy band, annotate notes/drug chart)
i.v. 50 μg (= 0.5 ml of 1:10 000) i.m. 0.5 mg (= 0.5 ml of 1:1000) if i.v. not possible
i.v. 1.0 μ (0.1 of 1:100 000)
[1:100 000 solution made by diluting 1 ml of 1:10 000 up to 10 ml]
5 mg in 500 mL dextrose = 1:100 000, titrate to effect
3 mg in 50 mL saline. Start at 3 ml.h-1 (= 3 μg.min-1), titrate to maximum 40 ml.h-1 (= 40 μg.min-1)
- Glucagon (adult): 1 mg, repeat as necessary
- Vasopressin (adult): 2 units, repeat necessary (consider infusion)