- Ensure a tracheostomy box with spare inner tube accompanies the patient
- Manage the patient in a warm environment (patient should be in a side room where possible) aiming for a normal body temperature and keep the flap warm
- Routine clerk-in of patient
- Complete generic ICU admission checklist
- Send ICU admission bloods and check baseline ABG from arterial line
- Prescribe post-over drugs (outlined later in guidelines) in addition to patient's usual medication (where appropriate)
- Fluid management: Prescribe maintenance fluids (and any boluses as clinically indicated), taking care to avoid excess fluid [which can compromise flap]
- Maintain Hb >8g/dl in most patients (some may have higher transfusion triggers e.g if evidence of ongoing myocardial ischaemia): administer one unit red cells at a time before rechecking Hb to avoid over-transfusion
- Target Mean Arterial Blood Pressure 65-80mmHg unless otherwise specific (it is safer to use vasopressor infusions rather than boluses as high dose vasopressors will decrease blood flow to flap; if hypotensive, consider underlying causes, in particular blood loss)
- Commence PCA with continuous background infusion on admission to critical care if not already started in Recovery.
- If NG inserted in theatre, confirm this is a safe to use as per 'Checking the Position of Naso-gastric Tubes' guideline on Critical Care section of intranet.