Hickman Line Service & CVCs on Wards
Central Venous Access - Sometimes you may be asked for central venous access – if this is on a ward, you think that it’s appropriate and the patient does not need our care in ICU, then any of the medical wards or 18 / 19a should be able to look after them. They are only accessed by trained staff – if no staff are on shift that can care for them / access them, then the nurse practitioners from surgery (day time) and HAN at night are called. Very occasionally you may be asked to help – please be as helpful as you can & ensure that only competent staff use the line.
Hickman Lines - Five Consultants (Drs Price, Geddes, Service, Clark and Moultrie) offer a Hickman line service to the oncology unit, (and one more coming on board – Drs Monro-Somerville). Occasionally it is appropriate to insert a Hickman line for in-patients (e.g. endocarditis) – we do not offer this as an out-of-hours service!! If you are contacted by medical staff when on call & asked for TPN or long term antibiotics, look at the rota & see if one of the above Consultants are about and refer the medics to the Consultant. Sometimes a mid line (peripherally placed) line is appropriate – e.g. shorter course of antibiotics – this can be put in by a number of people. If you feel this is appropriate then discuss with the CEPOD anaesthetist (DO NOT just put the patient on the CEPOD list - organise who will insert the line).