The acute pain team currently includes:
3 Consultant Anaesthetists with an interest in acute pain - Dr Duncan Henderson; Dr Lachlan Morrison; Dr Joanna Renée.
2 part-time Acute Pain Nurses - Lesley Cameron; Elspeth Ewing
1 senior pharmacist - Anne Neally
The aims of the pain service include:
- Providing day-to-day specialist advice and treatment for patients with acute pain challenges.
- Following up patients with Epidural, Opioid or LA infusions.
- Coordinating pain management education for nurses and trainee medical staff in conjunction with anaesthetic colleagues.
- Audit existing pain management practice and implement change in consultation with anaesthetic colleagues.
- Daily Pain Round
All CT anaesthetists will be rostered to attend the Consultant led Pain round (Thurs / Fri am) at least once during their placement.
PCA & Epidural Pump Training
Within your first few weeks of your placement here, we would request that you contact one of us to arrange a time to go through some training and competencies for the PCA and epidural pumps which are used in St John’s. This is your responsibility to organise – but reminders will be given!
Acute Pain Interest Group. Usually meets every second month. We would welcome any input from staff, with a view to making it a multi-professional group.
If you would like any further information regarding this service or have any suggestions or comments which you think may be of benefit we can be contacted on Bleep 3934. 28 We look forward to meeting you over the next few weeks and hope you enjoy your placement with us.
Elspeth Ewing Acute Pain Nurse Ex 53065 Bleep 3934