Blepharitis (Antimicrobial)
First line: lid hygiene for symptom control, including: warm compresses; lid massage and scrubs; gentle washing and avoiding cosmetics.
Second line: If hygiene measures for 2 weeks are ineffective, use topical antibiotics.
Signs of meibomian gland dysfunction or acne rosacea: consider oral antibiotics. Seek advice from Microbiology or Ophthalmology for treatment in children.
Drug details
Second line
Chloramphenicol 1% ointment twice daily rubbed into the lid margin
6 week trial
Signs of meibomian gland dysfunction or acne rosacea
For acne rosacea, see TAM guidance
Doxycycline 100mg once daily initially
for 4 weeks
THENÂ 50mg once daily as maintenance
for 8 weeks