Slit lamp (Guidelines)
Slit lamp use
- Adjust patient chair height
- Adjust slit lamp table height – release lock under middle of table
- Adjust chin-rest height to make patient’s eyes level with black line
- Lock slit lamp wheels if necessary, eg. if removing a corneal foreign body
- Adjust eyepieces – zero if wearing glasses or don’t require glasses
- Adjust interpupillary distance, ie. separate the eyepieces until get same view with each eye
- Turn slit lamp on at wall
- Turn slit lamp on at rheostat – under left hand corner of table (usually 1 click sufficient)
- Loosen immobilising screw to allow slit lamp to move on table
- Gross focus by moving whole slit lamp unit forward on table holding joystick upright
- Fine focus by moving joystick forward and backward
- Fine up and down movement adjusted by turning joystick
- Alter height of beam by turning knob attached to millimetre scale
- Alter width of beam by turning large silver knob either side of bottom of scaffold
- Alter illumination intensity at either the rheostat (below left hand corner of table) or by adjusting the filter switch below the bulb (bright left, less bright in middle)
- Fluorescein used with Cobalt Blue light – turn knob attached to millimetre scale past “8”
- Alter magnification - usually lever hanging below eyepieces (left low, right high mag) or large knob on side of body on newer slit lamps