
Palliative Care services in NHS Highland

Palliative Care Advisory Service (PCAS)

The Palliative Care Advisory Service (PCAS) in Raigmore Hospital can be contacted by staff for advice 24 hours a day.

Full PCAS referral information available here (NHS Highland intranet access required)

For referral to PCAS between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday:

  1. Obtain consent from the Consultant in charge of the patient’s care.
  2. Contact Raigmore Hospital, tel: 01463 704000. 

Palliative Care advice line

The local 24-hour Palliative Care advice line can be contacted at Highland Hospice, tel: 01463 243132 (or for internal calls from Raigmore Hospital speed dial 1333, and ask to speak to the Doctor on call).

Palliative Care guidelines

Palliative Care Formulary

Palliative Care Formulary (PCF) via Medicines Complete (Knowledge Services or Open Athens log-in required)

Anticipatory prescribing (Just in Case)

Supportive and palliative care indicator tools (SPICT)

Syringe pumps

Pharmacy information

Patient information

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 20/08/2024

Next review date: 30/09/2027

Author(s): Palliative Care Team.

Version: 3

Approved By: TAM subgroup of the ADTC

Reviewer name(s): L Dixon, MacMillan Palliative Care Community Pharmacist, M Loynd, MacMillan Advanced Nurse Practitioner.

Document Id: TAM590