Blood pressure control
- Aim to keep SBP <140 mmHg (target 120 to 139) and DBP <90 mmHg
- In people with CKD and diabetes, and also in people with ACR >70 mg/mmol, aim to keep SBP <130 mmHg (target 120 to 129) and DBP <80mmHG
- Use ACEI or ARB as first choice in people with CKD and diabetes and ACR >3mg/mmoL, hypertension and ACR >30mg/mmoL, ACR >70mg/mmoL irrespective of hypertension
- DO NOT offer a combination ACEI and ARB to people with CKD
- Check U&Es before starting ACEI or ARB and 1 to 2 weeks after each dose adjustment
- Do not routinely offer ACEI or ARB when potassium >5.0 (NICE)
- Stop ACEI or ARB if potassium >6.0mmol/L
- Give advice on smoking cessation, weight reduction, exercise, alcohol intake and sodium restriction
- Promote self-management: Encourage home BP readings (target <135/85 and <125/75 if ACR >70)
- Frail elderly: consider more relaxed target
Lipid management
- Lipid lowering therapy should be considered for all patients with CKD stages 3 to 5.
- NB. lipids for patients on dialysis or post renal transplant are managed by the renal team.
- See TAM guideline: Lipid lowering therapy in the prevention/treatment of atherosclerosis (Guidelines) for further details on recommended treatment and other relevant patient groups to consider.
Medication Review
- Avoid NSAIDs
- Avoid trimethroprim if GFR <30
- Avoid nitrofuratntion if GFR <60
- Review all drugs. Ensure correct doses
- Use oxynorm as opiate in patients with GFR <30
SGLT-2 inhibitors
- Consider whether patient meets SMC criteria for initiating SGLT-2 inhibitors (see below).